[PDF] 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies – Download

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100 Great Business Ideas_ From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas) - Jeremy Kourdi - Download ( www.indianpdf.com ) Book Novel Online Free

PDF Title : 100 Great Business Ideas : From Leading Companies Around the World
Total Page : 241 Pages
Author: Jeremy Kourdi
PDF Size : 905 KB
Language : English
Publisher : marshallcavendish.com
PDF Link : Available


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100 Great Business Ideas : From Leading Companies Around the World – Book

Nokia, the world-renowned cellphone technology company, was, in the late 1980s, a nearly defunct diversified conglomerate, mostly known for its rubber and tissue products.

The decision to put all the energy and remaining resources behind a minuscule (by industry standards) telecommunications activity, more specifically an emerging cellphone technology sector, triggered an intensive learning culture and period of business growth.

By the end of 1996 Nokia Group was the global market leader in digital cellphones, and one of the two largest suppliers of GSM networks.

In just a few years, this resilient Finnish business had learned enough to become the trendsetter in cellphone design, making its product a high-tech lifestyle attribute that many fashion products could envy.

On the cellular network side, Nokia was also setting the pace with solution-oriented customer services, thus raising the competitive threshold.

100 Great Business Ideas : From Leading Companies Around the World PDF

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