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We want you to know that we do not have any copyrighted or illegal content on IndianPDF. The File information we host does not have files that can be copyrighted. We are in correspondence with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) and general international copyright laws. However, we still can remove publication from our site if the copyright owner would like us to do so. The following procedure will be performed if:

Send Your Claim To [email protected]

⭐ The Claim must be written in English language, it must be understandable and in polite form

⭐ The Claim must be sent from a company mail, Claims sent from free service emails like AOL, Yahoo Gmail, etc. will be rejected

⭐ You must present an evidence that shows that you are the copyright holder or that you are acting on behalf of the copyright holder

⭐ You must present an evidence that shows that the content is legally copyrighted and that you are the copyright holder

⭐ The materials that need to be removed must be provided in form of material name and DIRECT links to each publication. We don’t accept links to search queries, categories, tags or subcategories or media pages

⭐ Provide sufficient contact information with a valid email address.

⭐ Provide sufficient contact information with a valid email address.

⭐ You must know this, that after your request, we will remove publication only from our website. We can’t remove file from other websites hosting it, even if the file has our name on it or in its description.