Blindspots: The Many Ways We Cannot See [PDF]

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PDF Title : Blindspots: The Many Ways We Cannot See
Total Page : 281 Pages
Author: Bruno G. Breitmeyer
PDF Size : 2.4 MB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available

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Blindspots: The Many Ways We Cannot See Book

For these reasons, I agree with those cognitive scientists who point out that cognitive illusions are symptomatic of our naturally endowed and our culturally acquired concept-forming apparatus. And I agree also with the ecological psychologists that context can affect the extent of illusions.

Either way, the pervasiveness of cognitive illusions paints a fairly pessimistic picture of human reasoning abilities, particularly in the current times when complex and tricky problems, many of which are self-made rather than “natural,” face us.

A good example, as we saw in the recent worldwide crash of financial institutions, is the belief firmly held by some economists that the free market is inherently self-correcting and therefore needs no external regulation. Fortunately, a majority of the fallacies and biases underlying these illusions can be corrected by changing the context or by pointing out the obvious (or not-so-obvious) flaws and biases in the reasoning process.

Blindspots: The Many Ways We Cannot See PDF

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