Pro Python Best Practices [PDF]

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Pro python best practices - Kristian Rother - www.indianpdf.com_ - Download Book Novel PDF Online Free

PDF Title : Pro Python Best Practices
Total Page : 280 Pages
Author: Kristian Rother
PDF Size : 3.4 MB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available


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Pro Python Best Practices – Book

The pyscaffold tool introduced in Chapter 13 creates a more detailed .gitignore file for us automatically. When multiple people are working on a program together, it sometimes occurs that they are changing one line of code back and forth. This could be a directory name or an import statement that is different on their respective machines. When we observe this pattern, it is a hint that some configuration needs to be managed outside the repository (e.g., in an environment variable or the .bashrc file). Whenever you see people changing code back and forth it is a good time to stop coding and start talking.

Pro Python Best Practices PDF

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