IELTS Writing Answer Key [PDF]

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IELTS Writing Answer Key - Alireza Memarzadeh - Free Download www.indianpdf.com_ - Book Novel Online

PDF Title : IELTS Writing Answer Key
Total Page : 253 Pages
Author: Alireza Memarzadeh
PDF Size : 55.6 MB
Language : English
Uploaded by: Joy77
PDF Link : Available


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IELTS Writing Answer Key – Book

It is true that the crime rate is increasing in many areas of the world. Many governments react to this problem by building prisons to contain criminals. This has proved so unsuccessful that each year bigger and tougher prisons are needed. Perhaps we need to go back to the basics of this problem and assess the possible causes. One of the reasons that is often given is the increase in violence both on television and in computer games.

While this may be responsible for making crimes more violent, I think it is unrealistic to lay the blame for all criminal activity on the media. I think the main cause of crime is the increasing gap between the rich and the poor, as well as the increasing use of drugs. The majority of crimes are being committed by people in need who are forced to take what they do not have, and by people addicted to drugs.

IELTS Writing Answer Key PDF

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