[PDF] ” The Blood of Olympus ” Rick Riordan – Download

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The Blood of Olympus (The Heroes of Olympus) - Rick Riordan - www.indianpdf.com_ Download eBook Online

PDF Title : The Blood of Olympus
Total Page : 438 Pages
Author: Rick Riordan
PDF Size : 1.9 MB
Language : English
Publisher : puffinbooks.com
PDF Link : Available


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The Blood of Olympus – Book

Reyna had always pictured him as solid white with dove-like wings, but Pegasus’s coat was rich brown, mottled with red and gold around the muzzle – which Hedge claimed were the marks where the stallion had emerged from the blood and ichor of his beheaded mother, Medusa.

Pegasus’s wings were the colors of an eagle’s – gold, white, brown, and rust – which made him look much more handsome and regal than plain white. He was the color of all horses, representing all his offspring.

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