[PDF] ” Stories of Your Life ” Ted Chiang – Download

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PDF Title : Stories of Your Life
Total Page : 32 Pages
Author: Ted Chiang
PDF Size : 187 KB
Language : English
PDF Link : Available


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Stories of Your Life – Book

I liked to imagine the objection as a Borgesian fabulation: consider a person standing before the Book of Ages, the chronicle that records every event, past and future.

Even though the text has been photo reduced from the full-sized edition, the volume is enormous. With magnifier in hand, she flips through the tissue-thin leaves until she locates the story of her life.

She finds the passage that describes her flipping through the Book of Ages, and she skips to the next column, where it details what she’ll be doing later in the day: acting on information she’s read in the Book, she’ll bet one hundred dollars on the racehorse Devil May Care and win twenty times that much.

Stories of Your Life PDF

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