[PDF] ” Toxic Parents ” by Susan Forward – Download

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Toxic Parents_ Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life - Susan Forward - www.indianpdf.com_ - download ebook PDF online

PDF Title : Toxic Parents
Total Page : 283 Pages
Author: Susan Forward
PDF Size : 1.2 MB
Language : English
Publisher : Bantam Books
PDF Link : Available


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Toxic Parents : Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming – Book

In this exercise, it’s important to recapture the feelings of being a child. To help you do this, try sitting on the floor—chairs and sofas are for grown-ups. Remember that little kids don’t speak like adults—they have their own vocabulary and their own ways of perceiving the world.

Once you’ve formed your group of abused children, tell your group leader about the “weird stuff” that’s going on in your house. The other “children” can ask questions as well as comfort you. In the following excerpt from a recent group session, Connie had a major breakthrough.

Toxic Parents : Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming PDF

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