Advanced Data Analytics Using Python [PDF]

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Advanced Data Analytics Using Python - Sayan Mukhopadhyay - www.indianpdf.com_ - Download Book Novel PDF Online Free

PDF Title : Advanced Data Analytics Using Python
Total Page : 195 Pages
Author: Sayan Mukhopadhyay
PDF Size : 1.1 MB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available


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Advanced Data Analytics Using Python – Book

Other than MapReduce, HDFS is the second component in the Hadoop framework. It is designed to deal with big data in a distributed environment for general-purpose low-cost hardware. HDFS is built on top of the Unix POSSIX file system with some modifications, with the goal of dealing with streaming data.

The Hadoop cluster consists of two types of host: the name node and the data node. The name node stores the metadata controls execution and acts as the master of the cluster. The data node does the actual execution; it acts as a slave and performs instructions sent by the name node.

Advanced Data Analytics Using Python PDF

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