[PDF] ” Almayer’s Folly ” – Download

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Almayer's Folly - Joseph Conrad - Download ( www.indianpdf.com ) Book Novel Online Free

PDF Title : Almayer’s Folly
Total Page : 166 Pages
Author: Joseph Conrad
PDF Size : 1,478 KB
Language : English
ISBN : 9780140000368
PDF Link : Available


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Almayer’s Folly – Book

The two women had met behind the house, and now were walking slowly together towards the creek where all the canoes were moored. Arrived at the fringe of bushes they stopped by a common impulse, and Mrs. Almayer, laying her hand on her daughter’s arm, tried in vain to look close into the girl’s averted face. When she attempted to speak her first words were lost in a stifled sob that sounded strangely coming from that woman who, of all human passions, seemed to know only those of anger and hate.

Almayer’s Folly PDF

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