Beware of Socialism [OSHO] – PDF

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Beware of Socialism OSHO - PDF - Preview -

PDF Title : Beware of Socialism [OSHO]
Total Page : 80 Pages
PDF Size : 474 KB
Language : English
Published in : 1978
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PDF Link : Available
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Beware of Socialism [OSHO]

A great book to read where he talked about how…

“The Freedom is perhaps the greatest value in man’s life. There is no greater value than this, because freedom is foundational to the whole development of man.

That is why bondage or slavery is the worst state of human existence and freedom its best and most beautiful.

And socialism cannot be established without fighting and finishing freedom. It is, of course, possible that the majority may consent to destroy the freedom of the minority. But still it is unfair and unjust. Destruction of freedom can never be democratic.

Freedom of thought is the very life of democracy; it is its very soul. But socialism cannot stand freedom of thought, because freedom of thought includes the freedom to support capitalism. It is difficult for socialism to swallow.

Socialism wants to destroy capitalism root and branch, and therefore it has to destroy freedom of thought.

And it is unthinkable how, after destroying the right of the individual to hold property and his freedom of thought. socialism can be democratic.”

a must read thoughts and directions,

Beware of Socialism [OSHO] Book PDF

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