[PDF] ” BLINK ” by Malcolm Gladwell – Download eBook

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BLINK The Power of Thinking Without Thinking - by Malcolm Gladwell - Download ( www.indianpdf.com ) Book Novel Online Free

Total Page : 374 Pages
Author: Malcolm Gladwell
PDF Size : 816 KB
Language : English
Publisher : penguin.com
PDF Link : Available


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Blink : The Power of Thinking Without Thinking – Book

What Ekman is saying is that the face is an enormously rich source of information about emotion. In fact, he makes an even bolder claim — one central to understanding how mind reading works — and that is that the information on our face is not just a signal of what is going on inside our mind. In a certain sense, it is what is going on inside our mind.

The beginnings of this insight came when Ekman and Friesen were first sitting across from each other, working on expressions of anger and distress. “It was weeks before one of us finally admitted feeling terrible after a session where we’d been making one of those faces all day,” Friesen says. “Then the other realized that he’d been feeling poorly, too, so we began to keep track.” They then went back and began monitoring their bodies during particular facial movements.

Blink : The Power of Thinking Without Thinking PDF

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