“Brida” by Paulo Coelho [PDF]

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PDF Title : Brida by Paulo Coelho
Total Page : 227 Pages
Author: Paulo Coelho
PDF Size : 580 KB
Language : English
Rights : paulocoelhoblog.com
PDF Link : Available

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Brida by Paulo Coelho Book

“The Tradition of the Moon is a fascinating one, with its Teachers and its rituals, but there is another Tradition, too,” thought the Magus, his eyes still fixed on Brida, and feeling slightly envious of Wicca, who would remain by her side for a long time. That other Tradition was a more difficult one to follow because it was simple, and simple things always seem so complicated.

Its Teachers lived in the world and did not always realize the importance of what they were teaching, because the impulse behind that teaching often seemed nothing more than an absurd impulse. They were carpenters, poets, mathematicians, people from all professions and walks of life, who lived scattered throughout the world.

People who suddenly felt the need to talk to someone, to explain a feeling they couldn’t quite understand, but which was impossible to keep to themselves, and that was the way in which the Tradition of the Sun kept its knowledge alive. The impulse of Creation.

Brida by Paulo Coelho PDF

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