Chart Your Way To Profits [PDF]

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Chart Your Way To Profits_ The Online Trader's Guide to Technical Analysis with ProphetCharts (Wiley Trading) - Timothy Knight - Read Book - www.indianpdf.com_ - Download Online Free

PDF Title : Chart Your Way To Profits
Book Contents: 18 Chapters (full)
Total Page : 530 Pages
Author: Timothy Knight
PDF Size : 13.4 MB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available

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Chart Your Way To Profits – Book

The reason I bring this subject up in a book about trading is that I believe there is a big misunderstanding about the actions of traders and what those actions represent: specifically, the notion that buying stocks (and being bullish) is good whereas selling or shorting stocks (and being bearish) is bad.

Let’s start with a few basic suppositions:

• Unless one’s trading size is so gigantic compared to a given security’s volume that you are going to push the market substantially up or down, your actions are immaterial to the market as a whole.

• Unless you are actively and effectively spreading malicious untruths about a given organization or security, you are trading morally.

• Your participation in an aftermarket does nothing to help or hinder a public company.

Chart Your Way To Profits PDF

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