Concise Pathology For Exam Preparation [PDF]

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Concise Pathology For Exam Preparation - Geetika Khanna Bhattacharya - www.indianpdf.com_ - Download Book Novel PDF Online Free

PDF Title : Concise Pathology For Exam Preparation
Total Page : 645 Pages
Author: Geetika Khanna
PDF Size : 38.7 MB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available


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Concise Pathology For Exam Preparation – Book

Clinical Manifestations of Hyperthyroidism:

• Increased BMR (basal metabolic rate), tachycardia, cardiomegaly, arrhythmias and congestive heart failure (due to increased cardiac contractility) and thyrotoxic dilated cardiomyopathy (shows lymphoeosinophilic infiltration of the myocardium with fatty change and fibrosis)

• Generalized lymphoid hyperplasia and lymphadenopathy

• Ocular changes, eg, a wide, staring gaze and lid lag (due to sympathetic overstimulation) and true thyroid ophthalmopathy (as seen in Graves disease)

• Increased appetite, but weight loss; increased gut motility, tremors, hyperactivity, emotional liability, anxiety, inability to concentrate, insomnia and heat intolerance (due to overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system)

• Proximal muscle weakness (caused by atrophy and fatty infiltration of skeletal muscle; also called thyroid myopathy)

• Warm and moist skin showing flushing and increased sweating (due to peripheral vasodilatation)

Concise Pathology For Exam Preparation PDF

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