Concurrency in C# Cookbook [PDF]

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Concurrency in C# Cookbook - Stephen Cleary - www.indianpdf.com_ PDF Book Download Online Free

PDF Title : Concurrency in C# Cookbook
Total Page : 205 Pages
Author: Stephen Cleary
PDF Size : 1,544 KB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available

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Concurrency in C# Cookbook Book

Problem: You have highly concurrent code that is actually too concurrent, and you need some way to throttle the concurrency. Code is too concurrent when parts of the application are unable to keep up with other parts, causing data items to build up and consume memory. In this scenario, throttling parts of the code can prevent memory issues.

Solution: The solution varies based on the type of concurrency your code is doing. These solutions all restrict concurrency to a specific value. Reactive Extensions has more powerful options, such as sliding time windows; throttling Rx has covered more thoroughly in Recipe 5.4.

Concurrency in C# Cookbook PDF

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