CSS Pocket Reference (5th Edition) – by Eric A. Meyer [PDF]

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PDF Title : CSS Pocket Reference
Edition : 5th Book edition
Total Page : 206 Pages
Author: Eric A. Meyer
PDF Size : 942 KB
Language : English
Rights : oreilly.com
PDF Link : Available

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CSS Pocket Reference – Book


Initial value 0s

Computed value As declared

Applies to All elements and :before and :after pseudo-elements

Description Defines a delay between when a transition could theoretically first start and when it actually starts. For example, if a transition is defined to begin on hover but has a delay of 0.5s, the transition will actually begin half a second after the element is first hovered over. Negative time values are permitted, but rather than creating a paradox, this simply jumps the transition to the point it would have reached had it been started at the defined time offset in the past. In other words, it will be started partway through the transition and run to its conclusion.

CSS Pocket Reference PDF

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