Franci’s War : A Woman’s Story of Survival [PDF]

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Franci's War - a true story - Franci Rabinek Epstein - www.indianpdf.com_ - Book Novel Download Online Free

PDF Title : Franci’s War : A Woman’s Story of Survival
Total Page : 186 Pages
Author: Franci Epstein
PDF Size : 1.1 MB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available

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Franci’s War : A Woman’s Story of Survival – Book

When Joe was brought to the Small Fortress near Terezín, he was put into a cellblock with jailed officers of the Czech army. When these prisoners were later moved to Auschwitz, he was sent with them, losing by some oversight of the jailers his designation as a Jew.

This was not even discovered in Auschwitz, largely because his mother had refused to have Joe circumcised but also because his name did not sound Jewish. The prisoners in his group considered him and Colonel S. as two of their own and never gave the Germans the slightest hint that they had Jews among them. This way Joe escaped being a candidate for the ovens.

Franci’s War : A Woman’s Story of Survival PDF

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