[PDF] ” Gamification by Design ” – Download Book Online

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Gamification by Design - Implementing Game Mechanics in Web and Mobile Apps - Christopher Cunningham - www.indianpdf.com_ Download eBook Online

PDF Title : Gamification by Design
Total Page : 210 Pages
Author: Christopher Cunningham
PDF Size : 3.0 MB
Language : English
Publisher : oreilly.com
PDF Link : Available


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Gamification by Design (implementing game mechanics in web and mobile apps) – Book

In nongame contexts, Apple is famous for designing its packaging with an element of surprise. In fact, Apple “unboxing” slideshows routinely get millions of views on the Web, causing consumers to be competitive about their unboxing “tableaux.”

In applications like Foursquare, the entire feedback system (badges) is designed with some degree of surprise in mind. While its badges—and indeed all badges—may feel routine, Foursquare takes pride in constantly revealing a new, interesting, and unexpected item.

Gamification by Design – implementing game mechanics in web and mobile apps PDF

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