Great Expectations – Book [PDF]

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PDF Title : Great Expectations – Book
Total Page : 483 Pages
Author: Charles Dickens
PDF Size : 1,253 KB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available

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Great Expectations – Book

They laid it bare, and did what they could. It was violently swollen and inflamed, and I could scarcely endure having it touched. But, they tore up their handkerchiefs to make fresh bandages, and carefully replaced them in the sling, until we could get to the town and obtain some cooling lotion to put upon it.

In a little while, we had shut the door of the dark and empty sluice-house and were passing through the quarry on our way back. Trabb’s boy – Trabb’s overgrown young man now – went before us with a lantern, which was the light I had seen come in at the door. But, the moon was a good two hours higher than when I had last seen the sky, and the night though rainy was much lighter. The white vapor of the kiln was passing from us as we went by, and, as I had thought a prayer before, I thought a thanksgiving now

Great Expectations – Book PDF

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