Hacking: The Art of Exploitation – 2nd Edition [PDF]

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PDF Title : Hacking: The Art of Exploitation
bookEdition : 2nd Edition
Total Page : 488 Pages
Author: Jon Erickson
PDF Size : 4.3 MB
Language : English
Source : nostarch.com
PDF Link : Available

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Hacking: The Art of Exploitation – 2nd Edition Book

When the recipient receives a WEP-encrypted packet, the process is simply reversed. The recipient pulls the IV from the message and then concatenates the IV with his own WEP key to produce a seed value of S. If the sender and receiver both have the same WEP key, the seed values will be the same.

This seed is fed into RC4 again to produce the same keystream, which is XORed with the rest of the encrypted message. This will produce the original plaintext message, consisting of the packet message M concatenated with the integrity checksum CS.

The recipient then uses the same CRC32 function to recalculate the checksum for M and checks that the calculated value matches the received value of CS. If the checksums match, the packet is passed on. Otherwise, there were too many transmission errors or the WEP keys didn’t match, and the packet is dropped.

Hacking: The Art of Exploitation – 2nd Edition PDF

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