Hacking Vim 7.2 by Kim Schulz [PDF]

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PDF Title : Hacking Vim 7.2
Total Page : 244 Pages
Author: Kim Schulz
PDF Size : 4.5 MB
Language : English
Source : packtpub.com
PDF Link : Available

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Hacking Vim 7.2 by Kim Schulz Book

This chapter has been a chapter especially for those who wanted to learn how to create complete scripts for Vim. Having learned about how the different parts of a script were constructed, it was time to see how we put it all together in a script. We took a top-down approach and went through a script example—line by line.

An important lesson learned was that a script programmer does not know how the user has his or her Vim configured and hence has to make sure that the correct settings exist and that the script does not break any of the users settings. We learned how to use variables and functions that are only available in the scope of the script, such that we don’t pollute the global scope with all our variables and functions.

Again this was to help the user such that only the relevant functionality is available to him or her. After looking at the structure of the script example, we ended the chapter with a couple of tips about how to make your script check for all sorts of things such as the operating system and the version of Vim.

Hacking Vim 7.2 by Kim Schulz PDF

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