[PDF] The Happy Prince and Other Tales : Download Book

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The Happy Prince and Other Tales - Oscar Wilde - www.indianpdf.com_ Book Novels Download Online Free

PDF Title : The Happy Prince and Other Tales
Total Page : 67 Pages
Author: Oscar Wilde
PDF Size : 2.7 MB
Genre : Classic Novel
Language : English
PDF Link : Available


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The Happy Prince and Other Tales – Book

“But the storm grew worse and worse, and the rain fell in torrents, and little Hans could not see where he was going, or keep up with the horse. At last he lost his way, and wandered off on the moor, which was a very dangerous place, as it was full of deep holes, and there poor little Hans was drowned. His body was found the next day by some goatherds, floating in a great pool of water, and was brought back by them to the cottage.

The Happy Prince and Other Tales PDF

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