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History of India, Third Edition, A - Hermann Kulke - Download ( www.indianpdf.com ) Book Novel Online Free

PDF Title : A History of India
Edition: Third
Total Page : 406 Pages
Author: Hermann Kulke
PDF Size : 1.3 MB
Language : English
Publisher : taylorandfrancis.com
PDF Link : Available


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A History of India – Book

Although Akbar kept in touch with both of them, he did not get involved in any rash action and so managed to maintain the balance of power in the whole region. In this way, he also snatched back from the Persians Kandahar, a territory he had been forced to give up in the early years of his reign.

Thus the Helmand river became the western border of his empire. The Persians, however, still considered the Indus to be the eastern border of their empire and therefore always tried to recover Kandahar, which was the crucial key to this area.

As long as Akbar lived they did not succeed because Akbar valued a strong position in Baluchistan and Afghanistan more than any excursion to the northwest. By indulging in the latter policy his successors lost Kandahar once more.

A History of India PDF

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