Hold Me Tight : seven conversations for a lifetime of love [PDF]

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Hold me tight _ seven conversations for a lifetime of love - Dr. Sue Johnson - www.indianpdf.com_ - Download Book Novel PDF Online Free

PDF Title : Hold Me Tight – Book
Total Page : 209 Pages
Author: Sue Johnson
PDF Size : 983 KB
Language : English
Rights : drsuejohnson.com
PDF Link : Available


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Hold Me Tight : seven conversations for a lifetime of love – Book

If we look at research, like that of psychologist Mary Main at the University of California, on adults who have an inner sense of trust and security with others, the key quality of these folks is not that they always had happy relationships with parents and caregivers in the past. It is that they can be emotionally open, lucidly describe past relationships, reflect on the good and bad experiences, and make sense of them.

When I encourage partners to work on integrating their new dance into a view of what it means to love and be loved, I am encouraging them to positively reshape their unconscious blueprints for close connection with others. The new blueprint helps them to be truly present with their partner rather than fight echoes from past relationships.

Hold Me Tight : seven conversations for a lifetime of love PDF

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