How Rich People Think [PDF]

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How Rich People Think - Steve Siebold - Free Download www.indianpdf.com_ - Book Novel Online

PDF Title : How Rich People Think
Total Page : 224 Pages
Author: Steve Siebold
PDF Size : 2.1 MB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available


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How Rich People Think – Book

The average person has been warned of the risks of entrepreneurship. They research failure rates and recount stories of people they know or have heard about who lost their life savings attempting to venture out on their own. Colleges and universities are peppered with business professors who warn students to be wary of the seduction of small business and the sheer sex appeal of being your own boss.

The great ones know self-employment is the fastest road to wealth. They know the greatest risk is not betting on themselves. While start-up business failure rates can be daunting, and the possibility of losing your life savings scary, the potential to live a life of financial abundance and endless opportunity motivates the great ones to take the risk.

How Rich People Think PDF

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