How To Take Smart Notes [PDF]

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How to Take Smart Notes - One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Students, Academics and Nonfiction Book Writers - Sönke Ahrens - indianpdf.com_ PDF Book Online - Download Free

PDF Title : How To Take Smart Notes
Total Page : 273 Pages
Author: Saanke Ahrens
PDF Size : 862.2 KB
Language : English
Source : indianpdf
PDF Link : Available

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How To Take Smart Notes

Since writing is nothing more than the revision of a rough draft, which is nothing more than turning a series of notes into a continuous text, which is written on a day-to-day basis, connected and indexed in the slip-box, there is no need to worry about finding a topic to write about. Just look into your slip-box and see where clusters have been built up.

These clusters are what caught your interest again and again, so you already know that you have found material to work with. Now you can spread out these notes on your desktop or use the outliner of the Zettelkasten, outline your argument and construct a preliminary order of sections, chapters or paragraphs.

This will make questions, which are not answered, obvious, and it will show the gaps in the argument that need to be filled and make visible which parts still need some work.

How To Take Smart Notes PDF

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