I Too Had a Love Story [PDF]

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I Too Had a Love Story - Ravinder Singh - www.indianpdf.com_ - Book Novel PDF Download Online Free

PDF Title : I Too Had a Love Story
Total Page : 122 Pages
Author: Ravinder Singh
PDF Size : 666 KB
Language : English
Rights : penguin.com
PDF Link : Available

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I Too Had a Love Story – Book

The irony of it … The home, which was going to sparkle in celebration of their daughter’s engagement, had such a different atmosphere now. People in dull clothes sat on a giant mattress on the floor of the vacant drawing-room. There were whispers and there were sudden cries. And there were those eyes in which the tears had dried up. A curse had fallen upon us all.

Amid the ordeal of surviving without her, at her home, the very place where she was brought up and nurtured, my day passed somehow. Evening approached. More distant relatives, more acquaintances had arrived. And this led to more cries and more tears. Seeing all this, I wanted to run away to someplace where I could be alone with just her memories for company … to room 301 maybe …

I Too Had a Love Story PDF

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