In Search of Lost Time, Volume I: Swann’s Way [PDF]

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PDF Title : In Search of Lost Time, Volume I: Swann’s Way
Total Page : 605 Pages
Author: Marcel Proust
PDF Size : 1,653 KB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available

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In Search of Lost Time, Volume I: Swann’s Way

I now no longer thought of anything save not to let a single day pass without seeing Gilberte (so much so that once, when my grandmother had not come home by dinner-time, I could not resist the instinctive reflection that if she had been run over in the street and killed

I should not for some time be allowed to play in the Champs-Elysées; when one is in love one has no love left for anyone) yet those moments which I spent in her company, for which I had waited so impatiently all night and morning, for which I had quivered with excitement, to which I would have sacrificed everything else in the world, were by no means happy moments; and well did I know it, for they were the only moments in my life on which I concentrated scrupulous, unflagging attention, and yet could not discover in them one atom of pleasure.

In Search of Lost Time, Volume I: Swann’s Way PDF

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