In Sunlight and in Shadow [PDF]

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In Sunlight and in Shadow - Mark Helprin - Novel - www.indianpdf.com_ - Download Book PDF Online

PDF Title : In Sunlight and in Shadow
Total Page : 723 Pages
Author: Mark Helprin
PDF Size : 3.3 MB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available

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In Sunlight and in Shadow – Book

Philosophers, mathematicians, and logicians would not have given it a thought. But dyslexics, those with right-left confusion, women whose sense of direction was not quite equal to that of a carrier pigeon, and men who could not fathom the idea of a Möbius belt were stopped for at least a moment by the fact that 28 West 44th Street was also 25 West 43rd Street.

How could this be? The post office had long before reconciled itself to the paradox. People who wanted to put on the dog could write: “Please send to me at my offices either at 28 West 44th St., or at 25 West 43rd St., and my staff will see that I get it, even if I’m in Paris.” And visitors who walked through the arcade, entering at one address and leaving by another while in only one building, sometimes found it pleasing.

In Sunlight and in Shadow PDF

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