[PDF] ” The Intelligent Investor ” – Download Book Online

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The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham - www.indianpdf.com_ Download eBook Online

PDF Title : The Intelligent Investor
Total Page : 641 Pages
Author: Benjamin Graham
PDF Size : 3.0 MB
Language : English
Publisher : harpercollins.com
PDF Link : Available

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The Intelligent Investor – The Definitive Book on Value Investing – Book

The investor who likes to play around with corporate figures will find himself in clover with the Stock Guide. He can open to any page and see before his eyes a condensed panorama of the splendors and miseries of the stock market, with all-time high and low prices going as far back as 1936, when available.

He will find companies that have multiplied their price 2,000 times from the minuscule low to the majestic high. (For prestigious IBM the growth was “only” 333 times in that period.)

He will find (not so exceptionally) a company whose shares advanced from 3 ⁄8 to 68, and then fell back to 3.2 In the dividend record column he will find one that goes back to 1791—paid by the Industrial National Bank of Rhode Island (which recently saw fit to change its ancient corporate name).

If he looks at the Guide for the year-end 1969 he will read that Penn Central Co. (as successor to Pennsylvania Railroad) has been paying dividends steadily since 1848; alas!, it was doomed to bankruptcy a few months later.

The Intelligent Investor – The Definitive Book on Value Investing PDF

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