International Organizations, Constitutional Law, and Human Rights – Book [PDF]

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International Organizations, Constitutional Law, and Human Rights - Gibson, John Schuyler - Book PDF Download

PDF Title : International Organizations, Constitutional Law, and Human Rights
Total Page : 285 Pages
Author: John S. Gibson
PDF Size : 14.8 MB
Language : English
Source : indianpdf
PDF Link : Available

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International Organizations, Constitutional Law, and Human Rights

The confidential reports of the rapporteurs and working parties are submitted to the commission each year and after closed-door examination, the commission usually permits reports to be printed, made public, and considered in detail in open sessions by the commission at its annual session.

The experts are usually congratulated, their mandate extended for one or two years, and then the reports are sent on for subsequent consideration by the Economic and Social Council and then the General Assembly in its annual fall session in New York.

In this chain of consideration of reports from time to time, there are concerns expressed by commission members of protracted negotiations between the experts and officials of targeted countries to produce a report which may be compromised in varying degrees.

Nongovernmental organizations politely accuse the experts of not being as firm as they should and caving into government appeals for moderation. Others note that some information and light on a human rights problem are better than none and that in some cases, compromise is essential to gain access and tell the world at least part of the story

International Organizations, Constitutional Law, and Human Rights PDF

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