Java EE 7 : The Big Picture [PDF]

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PDF Title : Java EE 7 : The Big Picture
Total Page : 513 Pages
Author: Danny Coward
PDF Size : 5.0 MB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available


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Java EE 7 : The Big Picture – Book

The candidate Java class must be a non-final, top-level class with a public or protected constructor. The data held within the class that you wish to be persisted must be held in its non-public, non-transient instance variables. The candidate class must have an instance variable (or combination of instance variables as we shall see later) that can be used by the Persistence API as a primary key in the table it will use to store instances of this class.

The candidate class may be turned into a persistence entity by adding the @javax.persistence.Entity annotation at the class level and marking the instance variable used for the primary key (assuming for now the simplest case of a single instance variable key) with the @javax.persistence.Id annotation.

Java EE 7 : The Big Picture PDF

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