Laravel Up and Running [PDF]

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Laravel_ Up and Running_ A Framework for Building Modern PHP Apps - Matt Stauffer - Free Download www.indianpdf.com_ - Book Novel Online

PDF Title : Laravel Up and Running
Total Page : 795 Pages
Author: Matt Stauffer
PDF Size : 2.1 MB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available

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Laravel Up and Running – Book

Queues make it easy to remove a costly or slow process from any synchronous call. The most common example is sending mail — doing so can be slow, and you don’t want your users to have to wait for mail to send in response to their actions. Instead, trigger a “send mail” queued job and let the users get on with their day.

Sometimes you may not just want to save your users time, but you might have a process like a cron job or a webhook that has a lot of work to process; rather than letting it all run at once (and potentially time out), you may choose to queue its individual pieces and let the queue worker process them one at a time.

Laravel Up and Running PDF

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