Learn Microservices with Spring Boot [PDF]

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Learn Microservices with Spring Boot - Moises Macero - www.indianpdf.com_ - Download Book Novel PDF Online Free

PDF Title : Learn Microservices with Spring Boot
Total Page : 337 Pages
Author: Moisés Macero García
PDF Size : 2.3 MB
Language : English
Rights : apress.com
PDF Link : Available


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Learn Microservices with Spring Boot – Book

Keep in mind that, as a result of our new data strategy, the microservice logic can scale nicely but we can’t say the same of the database: it would be only one shared instance. To solve that part in a production system, we would need to choose a database engine that scales and create a cluster at our database tier. Depending on the DB engine we choose, the approach might be different.

For example, H2 has a simple clustering mode that is based on data replication and MariaDB uses Galera, which provides load balancing as well. The good news is that, from the code point of view, we can handle a database cluster as a simple JDBC URL, keeping all the database tier logic aside of our project.

Learn Microservices with Spring Boot PDF

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