[PDF] ” Leviathan ” Thomas Hobbes – Download Book

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Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes - www.indianpdf.com_ Book Novels Download Online Free

PDF Title : Leviathan
Total Page : 663 Pages
Author: Thomas Hobbes
PDF Size : 3.6 MB
Genre : Classic Novel
Language : English
PDF Link : Available


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Leviathan – by Thomas Hobbes – Book

And so much was this ceremony observed, that in blessing the whole Congregation at once, which cannot be done by Laying on of Hands, yet “Aaron (Levit. 9.22.) did lift up his hand towards the people when he blessed them.” And we read also of the like ceremony of Consecration of Temples amongst the Heathen, as that the Priest laid his Hands-on some post of the Temple, all the while he was uttering the words of Consecration. So naturally it is to design any individual thing, rather by the Hand, to assure the Eyes, than by Words to inform the Eare in matters of Gods Publique service.

Leviathan – by Thomas Hobbes PDF

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