Linux Basics for Hackers – Book [PDF]

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PDF Title : Linux Basics for Hackers
Total Page : 254 Pages
Author: OccupyTheWeb
PDF Size : 6.1 MB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available

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Linux Basics for Hackers – Book Book

Basic scripting skills are critical to becoming a master hacker. Without having developed some basic scripting skills, a beginner hacker who simply uses tools created by someone else will be condemned to the realm of script kiddies.

This means that you will be limited to using tools developed by someone else, which decreases your probability of success and increases your probability of detection by antivirus (AV) software, intrusion detection systems (IDSs), and law enforcement. With some scripting skills, you can elevate yourself to the upper echelon of the master hackers!

In Chapter 8, we covered bash scripting basics and built some simple scripts, including, which finds systems running the ubiquitous MySQL database system. In this chapter, we begin looking at the scripting language most widely used by hackers: Python. Many of the most popular hacker tools are written in Python, including sqlmap, scapy, the Social­Engineer Toolkit (SET), w3af, and many more.

Linux Basics for Hackers PDF

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