Married To The Mouse [PDF]

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Married to the Mouse _ Walt Disney World and Orlando - Richard E. Foglesong - Novel - www.indianpdf.com_ - Download Book PDF Online

PDF Title : Married To The Mouse
Total Page : 284 Pages
Author: Alexander Kent
PDF Size : 690 KB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available

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Married To The Mouse – Book

The question is whether social learning will occur in response to this tragedy of the commons. That is, will the local community apprehend the problems arising from the Disney-Orlando marriage and recognize the need for recuperative action? According to economist Douglass North, social learning is far from certain. Path dependence in economic development often results from the subjective perceptions of important actors in the community, he maintains.

These subjective perceptions are part of the heritage that we call culture and provide continuity with the past; thus solutions to growth problems in the past carry over into the present. Further, these perceptions derive from socially transmitted information; they can be altered by information, but there are “transaction costs” involved in acquiring that information.

So long as denial occurs, or what Hirschman calls “cognitive dissonance,” a psychological term referring to a gap between expectations and reality, social learning is forestalled.60 For social learning to occur there needs to be a perception, as North and Hirschman concur, that exit is possible.

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