[PDF] ” Measure For Measure ” – Download Book

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Measure For Measure - William Shakespeare - Download ( www.indianpdf.com ) Book Novel Online Free

PDF Title : Measure For Measure
Total Page : 156 Pages
Author: William Shakespeare
PDF Size : 1.4 MB
Language : English
ISBN : 9780133553970
PDF Link : Available


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Measure For Measure – Book

This deed unshapes me quite, makes me unpregnant And dull to all proceedings. A deflower’d maid! And by an eminent body that enforced The law against it! But that her tender shame Will not proclaim against her maiden loss, How might she tongue me! Yet reason dares her no; For my authority bears of a credent bulk, That no particular scandal once can touch But it confounds the breather.

He should have lived, Save that riotous youth, with dangerous sense, Might in the times to come have ta’en revenge, By so receiving a dishonour’d life With ransom of such shame. Would yet he had lived! A lack, when once our grace we have forgot, Nothing goes right: we would, and we would not.

Measure For Measure PDF

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