Naked Statistics : stripping the dread from the data [PDF]

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Naked Statistics_ Stripping the Dread from the Data - Charles Wheelan - Free Download www.indianpdf.com_ - Book Novel Online

PDF Title : Naked Statistics
Total Page : 273 Pages
Author: Charles Wheelan
PDF Size : 1.9 MB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available

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Naked Statistics : stripping the dread from the data – Book

Obviously the string of heads is just luck; the students have all watched it happen. However, that is not necessarily how the result could or would be interpreted in a scientific context. The probability of flipping five heads in a row is 1/32, or .03. This is comfortably below the .05 threshold we typically use to reject a null hypothesis.

Our null hypothesis, in this case, is that the student has no special talent for flipping heads; the lucky string of heads (which is bound to happen for at least one student when I start with a large group) allows us to reject the null hypothesis and adopt the alternative hypothesis: This student has a special ability to flip heads.

After he has achieved this impressive feat, we can study him for clues about his flipping success—his flipping form, his athletic training, his extraordinary concentration while the coin is in the air, and so on. And it is all nonsense.

Naked Statistics : stripping the dread from the data PDF

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