No Fear Shakespeare Hamlet – Book [PDF]

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PDF Title : No Fear Shakespeare Hamlet – Book
Total Page : 207 Pages
Author: Dalmathia S. Sevilla
PDF Size : 807 KB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available

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No Fear Shakespeare Hamlet – Book Book

Just imagine what he would do if he had the cause for feeling that I do. He would drown the stage with his tears and burst the audience‟s ears with his terrible words, drive the guilty spectators crazy, terrify the innocent ones, confuse the ignorant ones, and astound absolutely everyone‟s eyes and ears.

But what do I, a grim and uncourageous rascal, do? Mope around like a dreamer, not even bothering with plans for revenge, and I can say nothing—nothing at all—on behalf of a king whose dear life was stolen.

Am I a coward? Is there anyone out there who‟ll call me “villain” and slap me hard? Pull off my beard? Pinch my nose? Call me the worst liar? By God, if someone would do that to me, I‟d take it, because I‟m a lily-livered man—otherwise, I would‟ve fattened up the local vultures with the intestines of that low-life king a long time ago.

No Fear Shakespeare Hamlet – Book PDF

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