One Hundred Years of Solitude [PDF]

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One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel García Márquez; Gregory Rabassa - www.indianpdf.com_ Download eBook Novel Free Online

PDF Title : One Hundred Years of Solitude
Total Page : 2198 Pages
Author: Gabriel García Márquez
PDF Size : 2.8 MB
Language : English
Rights : Gabriel García Márquez
PDF Link : Available

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One Hundred Years of Solitude Book

He felt so well, so close to perfect companionship, that he thought of no other refuge on the afternoon on which Amaranta Úrsula had made his illusions crumble. He was ready to unburden himself with words so that someone could break the knots that bound his chest, but he only managed to let out a fluid, warm, and restorative weeping in Pilar Terneras lap

She let him finish, scratching his head with the tips of her fingers, and without his having revealed that he was weeping from love, she recognized immediately the oldest sobs in the history of man.

Its all right, child, she consoled him. Now tell me who it is. When Aureliano told her, Pilar Ternera let out a deep laugh, the old expansive laugh that ended up as a cooing of doves.

There was no mystery in the heart of a Buendía that was impenetrable for her because a century of cards and experience had taught her that the history of the family was a machine with unavoidable repetitions, a turning wheel that would have gone on spilling into eternity were it not for the progressive and irremediable wearing of the axle.

One Hundred Years of Solitude PDF

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