Options Trading QuickStart Guide [PDF]

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Options Trading_ QuickStart Guide - The Simplified Beginner’s Guide To Options Trading - ClydeBank Finance - www.indianpdf.com_ - Book Novel Download Online Free

PDF Title : Options Trading QuickStart Guide
Total Page : 138 Pages
Author: ClydeBank Finance
PDF Size : 2.5 MB
Language : English
Rights : clydebankmedia.com
PDF Link : Available

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Options Trading QuickStart Guide – Book

There are positives and negatives here and maybe some things that make you a bit nervous. On one hand, since you raised the strike price of the option to $85, you can potentially make more profit on the stock since the obligation was originally at $80.

You had to buy back the first-month call for more money than you received when selling it, BUT you covered that cost by selling the back month strike call for more premium.

The risk is present because there are two months left before the expiration date of the new options, and you have no idea what might happen with the price of the stock during that period of time. It may proceed in your favor…but you might see a loss as well.

Remember, there’s time for the market to move in a direction that won’t be to your advantage. You have to decide whether or not it’s worth taking that chance.

Options Trading QuickStart Guide PDF

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