Originals : How Non-Conformists Move The World [PDF]

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Originals_ How Non-Conformists Move the World - Adam Grant - www.indianpdf.com - Download Book Novel PDF Online Free

PDF Title : Originals : How Non-Conformists Move The World
Total Page : 337 Pages
Author: Adam Grant
PDF Size : 1.7 MB
Language : English
Rights : penguin.com
PDF Link : Available


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Originals : How Non-Conformists Move The World – Book

The Declaration of Independence promises Americans the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In the quest for happiness, many of us choose to enjoy the world as it is. Originals embrace the uphill battle, striving to make the world what it could be. By struggling to improve life and liberty, they may temporarily give up some pleasure, putting their own happiness on the back burner.

In the long run, though, they have the chance to create a better world. And that—to borrow a turn of phrase from psychologist Brian Little— brings a different kind of satisfaction. Becoming original is not the easiest path in the pursuit of happiness, but it leaves us perfectly poised for the happiness of pursuit.

Originals : How Non-Conformists Move The World PDF

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