Penetration Testing : a hands on introduction to hacking [PDF]

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Penetration Testing - A hands on introduction to hacking - Georgia Weidman - Free Download www.indianpdf.com_ - Book Novel Online

PDF Title : Penetration Testing
Total Page : 531 Pages
Author: Georgia Weidman
PDF Size : 8.4 MB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available


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Penetration Testing : a hands on introduction to hacking – Book

We’ve determined where to overwrite the return address in our argument string, but we still need something to put there. (This example may seem a bit contrived compared to the rest of the exploit development examples we’ll cover, but it illustrates the underlying concepts well.) We’ve managed to manipulate an issue with the strcpy function used by the program to break out of the buffer variable and overwrite additional memory addresses, including the return address.

Looking back at our source code for overflowtest.c, recall the program contains another function in addition to main and function1. The first function in the program, called overflowed, prints “Execution Hijacked” out to the console and then returns. This extra function is never called when the program runs normally, but as its output implies, we can use it to hijack execution.

Penetration Testing : a hands on introduction to hacking PDF

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