Rendering in pen and ink [PDF]

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Rendering In Pen and Ink - Arthur L. Guptill - Free Download www.indianpdf.com_ - Book Novel Online

PDF Title : Rendering in pen and ink
Total Page : 256 Pages
Author: Arthur Leighton Guptill
PDF Size : 39.3 MB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available


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Rendering in pen and ink – Book

In quite a different kind of rendering, Sidney Castle has achieved a remarkable effect in his drawing of Rheims Cathedral in Fig. 267. Though this is so large a subject that our comments on it logically belong in the following chapter, we cannot refrain from presenting it here.

The treatment shows a rare understanding of large and intricate subjects. In the upper portion, the interest is strong, an effect partly due to silhouetting the architecture against a pure white background.

Below, in order to stabilize the whole, a firm foundation has been constructed of tone carried out to a definite rectangular form, the darkened lower corners of which also serve to accentuate the large light area which has been left in front of the entrance doorways.

Rendering in pen and ink PDF

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