Saving the Constitution from Lawyers [PDF]

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Saving the Constitution from Lawyers - Robert J - Book PDF Download

PDF Title : Saving the Constitution from Lawyers
Total Page : 207 Pages
Author: Robert J. Spitzer
PDF Size : 1,131 KB
Language : English
Source : indianpdf
PDF Link : Available

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Saving the Constitution from Lawyers

One other factor in the explosion of law journal writing on the Second Amendment deserves mention.

Unlike the other cases discussed in this book, the effort to advance the individualist view of the Second Amendment in law journals has been propelled by the concerted efforts of gun advocacy groups – but especially the NRA – that have a vested interest in promoting academic writing to buttress and legitimize their political goals.

The linchpin of this effort is the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund, established in 1978.

The organization’s two stated purposes are “to become involved in court cases establishing legal precedents in favor of gun owners,” which it does by providing both financial and legal support to individuals and organizations involved in gun-related litigation, and to sponsor “legal research and education… including the meaning of the Second Amendment.”

Since the 1970s, the NRA has also devoted personnel and other resources to encourage and support law journal writing

Saving the Constitution from Lawyers PDF

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