Sorry You’re Not My Type [PDF]

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Sorry, You're not my Type - Sudeep Nagarkar - Free Download www.indianpdf.com_ - Book Novel Online

PDF Title : Sorry You’re Not My Type
Total Page : 94 Pages
Author: Sudeep Nagarkar
PDF Size : 707 KB
Language : English
Publishers :
PDF Link : Available


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Sorry You’re Not My Type – Book

The inspector peeped in through the glass door to see if there was any improvement in Anamika’s condition. Vikrant was heartbroken listening to all this and couldn’t hold back his tears. Sanaya tried to console him but it was of no use.

Yuvi stood there with an expressionless face. Vikrant wanted to tell the cops about Anurag and the message that he had sent but preferred to keep silent and wait for Anamika to regain consciousness. All three of them went into the waiting room as they were not allowed to meet before the police inquiry.

Sorry You’re Not My Type PDF

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