Super Trader: make consistent profits in good and bad markets [PDF]

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Super Trader - Make Consistent Profits In Good and Bad Markets - Tharp, Van K_ - Book Novel by www.indianpdf.com_ - Download PDF Online Free

PDF Title : Super Trader
Total Page : 257 Pages
Author: Van K. Tharp
PDF Size : 1.3 MB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available

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Super Trader: make consistent profits in good and bad markets – Book

Most traders, including most professionals, do not understand these points. As a result, they are very much into prediction. The average Wall Street analyst usually makes a large six-figure income by analyzing companies, yet very few of these individuals, in my opinion, could make money trading the companies they analyze.

Nevertheless, people believe that if analysts tell you the fundamentals of the marketplace, they can use that information to make money.

Others have decided that fundamental analysis doesn’t work. Instead, they have chosen to draw lines on the computer or in a chartbook to analyze the market technically. These people believe that if you draw enough lines and interpret enough patterns, you can predict the market. Again, it doesn’t work.

Instead, cutting losses short, riding profits hard, and managing risk so that you continue to survive is what really makes you money. When you finally understand this at a gut level, you will know one of the key secrets to trade success.

Super Trader: make consistent profits in good and bad markets PDF

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