Teach Your Kids To Code [PDF]

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Teach Your Kids To Code - a parent friendly guide to python programming - Bryson Payne - www.indianpdf.com_ - Book Novel PDF Download Online Free

PDF Title : Teach Your Kids To Code
Total Page : 335 Pages
Author: Bryson Payne
PDF Size : 7.9 MB
Language : English
Rights : nostarch.com
PDF Link : Available


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Teach Your Kids To Code – Book

In Smiley Pong, we drew our board and game pieces, added user interaction to move the paddle, and added collision detection and scoring. We displayed text on the screen to give the user information about their achievements and the state of the game.

You learned how to detect keypress events in Pygame, added “game over” and “play again” logic, and finished version 2.0 by making the ball speed up as the game progressed. You now have the framework and parts to build more complex games.

In SmileyPop, we started with an app that was already fun to play with, added user feedback in the form of a popping sound using the pygame.mixer module, and then added logic and a display to keep track of the user’s progress as more bubbles are created and popped.

Teach Your Kids To Code PDF

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